Extraordinary acts are ones that are performed contrary to the common method of nature and outside the order of natural causes and effects, and the causes of their occurrence are unknown and inaccessible to humans. Seeking to examine extraordinary actions from the perspectives of Rumi and Sadr al-Mutaʿlahin and to clarify the points of commonality and difference between these two perspectives, this research showed that, from the perspective of both of the aforementioned thinkers, the production of extraordinary acts by humans is, firstly, possible and, secondly, has been realized, and through austerity and reducing its occupation and attachment to nature, the human soul can achieve supernatural abilities. But the difference in their views is that, from Rumi's perspective, God is the only effective and active agent in all actions and effects; except that His agency is hidden in natural actions behind the veil of apparent causes and becomes apparent in extraordinary actions. However, from the perspective of Sadr al-Mutaʿlehin, supernatural actions are classified according to the three levels of human beings, and humans through an intensive existential process can achieve supernatural perfections. On the other hand, some extraordinary acts are absolute, unlimited, and uncontestable, and some of them are limited and contestable.