معارف عقلی، سال اول، شماره چهارم، پیاپی 4، زمستان 1385، صفحات -

    Abstracs/Abdor Rauf Afzali

    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
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    Rational Justification of Multiplicity on the assumption of individual unity of being

    By Husain Ushshaqi

    Adhering to the principle of non-multiplicity of being, the question arises as to how the pluralities are to be rationally justified so as not to face the charge of the denial of the reality of possible facts.

    One can find three justifications in the words of previous scholars but the writer adds the forth one. It refers to the copulative nature of possible beings on the one hand and the reality of the relation of existence to none-existence in contradictory facts on the other. As a result the unity of being does not end in the denial of the reality of possible facts.

    Keywords: Multiplicity, unity of being, gradation in being, simplicity of being, appearance, independent being, copulative being copulative.

    Transition from mind to reality in mystical and ontological arguments

    By Askari Sulaimani Amiri

    Mystical proofs in theoretical mysticism are one of the ways to prove the existence of God.

    Mystics begin with the concept of reality of being ending up finally with proving the existence of God as a Unique, Individual One. Using the concept of being, it is an ontological argument in which the existence of God is deduced from the concept of God.

    It is objected however that;

    a) According to this argument there is no distinction between mind and reality or between primary predication and common predication.

    b) If such arguments are true, then the existence of a partner for the necessary being is also necessary while it is impossible.

    In response to these objections, it can be said that these arguments are conclusive and there is no confusion in them, for whenever a concept has any implication its object also has the same implication. As a result, being contradictory, this sort of argument cannot be applied to the partner of the necessary being, due to the self-contradiction of its notion.


    concept of being, reality of being, Necessary Being, primary predication, common predication, multiplicity of being, gradation of being, particular unity of being.

    Elements and components of theoretical mysticism

    By Mahdi, Babaei

    Based on one division, Islamic mysticism is divided into theoretical and practical mysticism. This division is carried out in accordance with Shari’ah texts, mystics’ words and the content of mystical discussions.

    Distinguishing between mystical experience and theoretical mysticism, the paper expounds the basic elements and components of the discipline of theoretical mysticism.

    The basic elements constituting the theoretical mysticism are: methodology (vision and intuition), content (individual unity of being), interpretation, translation and description. While explaining this, some doubts are also raised and answered, and some definitions of this science are given.

    Keywords: theoretical mysticism, practical mysticism, mystical experience, wayfaring experience, individual unity of being, interpretation and translation.

    Hakim Tirmidi and his theory of sainthood

    By Muhammad Suri

    Being one of the great third century mystics, Hakim Tarmidi has left behind many works. According to some Sufis, he himself was not a Sufi and that is why he was called a Hakim (sage).

    Although his autobiography is available, we do not know much about his life. He is the first scholar in the history of Islamic mysticism who has theoretically discussed the problem of sainthood and the seal of sainthood in his book, The Seal of Saints or the Tradition of Saints due largely to which he is popular.

    His influence upon later mystics till Ibn Arabi was very little. However Ibn Arabi and his followers were deeply influenced by him especially in matters of sainthood and the seal of sainthood. The present article deals with four topics: Tirmidi’s life and works, his relation with Sufi movements, theory of sainthood and his influence upon later mystics.

    Keywords: Hakim Tarmidi, the difference between Sage and Sufi, Sainthood according to Hakim Tarmidi, The Seal of Saints, Hujwiri، Burhan Qilij، Ibn Arabi.

    Etymology of Sufism and mysticism in the first hegira century

    Ahmad Ranjbari

    This article deals with the origins of mysticism and Sufism and the terms mystic and Sufi (in the first hegira century) relating most of the possibilities concerning the derivation of the term Sufi, its background and the wearing of suf (wool) by some of the Muslims.

    Explaining some of the peculiarities of the Christian monks inhibiting in pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula as well as those contemporary with the advent of Islam, the paper tries to show how much (if at all) the Muslims including the mystics and Sufis were influenced by Christian wayfarers.

    Keywords: mysticism, Sufism, mystic, Sufi, Islam first hegira century, Qur’an, Tradition.

    Proximate agents in philosophy and mysticism

    By Rasol Baqiryan

    The way God is an agent is a crucial issue in different philosophical and mystical schools of thought. Apart from Mutazilites who deny divine efficacy in human actions and apart from Asha’rites who see God as the real agent behind everything including even human actions, denying the chain of causes, Peripatetics consider God as a remote agent while not denying the chain of causes in existential system.

    In an allegorical and persuasive fashion without giving any proof, the Illuminationist philosophy / theosophy regards God as a proximate agent deeming the attribution of actions to any thing else other than God as unreal.

    Based on particular gradation in existence, and copulative existence, transcendental philosophy in its first phases, considers God as a proximate agent and other causes as preparatory ones, paving the ground for bringing divine effusion closer to the effects.

    While considering the causes, like transcendental philosophy, as bringing divine effusion closer to the effect, mysticism has chosen a new way for explaining proximate divine efficacy. By explaining the proximate agents as an agent in the province of the effect, it explicates the meaning of monism in Islamic laws including unity of divine acts.

    The present paper tries to explain the viewpoint of mysticism on divine proximate efficacy while comparing it to the viewpoints of theology and philosophy.

    Keywords: chain of arrangements and mediators, mystical proximate agent in its particular sense, encompassing distinction, non delimitation of the source of division (itlaq maqsami), Unity of divine Acts.

    The first and the best mystical biography

    By Riza Shakiri

    Numerous books have been written on mysticism and Sufism, but the book written by Sheikh Abo Abdur al-Rahman Sulami has several advantages due to which it has surpassed its counterparts qualitatively. Textual authenticity, brevity, complete mystical context, way and method of dealing with the topics, full awareness of the current sciences, especially Tradition and Sufism are the peculiarities that make Sulami’s work very useful and interesting. Moreover it is the first book written in this field.

    The book has made use of its preceding works that are unfortunately not available now. While talking about the significance of this work, it is enough to mention that Khawja Abdullah Ansari, the great mystic, has used it as a textbook for teaching to his pupils. His commentaries on the book then were collected and presented to the world of scholars. In short, Sulami’s work on Sufi and mystical biography is reflected directly or indirectly in the subsequent works.

    The present article deals with analyzing this work known to the scholars of Sufism as tabaqat al-sufiah (Sufi biographical works)

    Keywords: biography, Sufis, Sufi biographical works (tabaqat al-sufiah), the beginning of Sufism, classification of Sufis, mystic, wayfaring situation, mystical wayfaring.

    Academic record and its role in compiling an encyclopedia

    By Rahim Latifi

    Every kind of writing particularly specialized encyclopedic articles are in need of research and data collection. The originality, accuracy, exactness and comprehensiveness of an article depend on the vastness and exactness of the data collected. To meet these ends, the Center for the Encyclopedia of Intellectual Sciences has founded a unit called academic record.

    Academic record is, in a strict sense, defined as a list and pictures of reliable texts made in a particular way on an approved encyclopedic entry making the researchers needless of doing any research and referring to sources.

    The background of making an Academic record goes back to recent years in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    The unit of Academic record affiliated to the Center of Encyclopedia of Intellectual Sciences launched its activities officially in 1380 AH (Islamic solar calendar). So far it has made academic record for all passed logical entries commencing similar activities for other disciplines too.

    Applying a new method for maintaining accuracy, the unit welcomes any criticism or suggestion by academic circles.

    Keywords: Academic record, entry introduction form, thesaurus, entry finding form, smiths of mysticism

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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1385) Abstracs/Abdor Rauf Afzali. دو فصلنامه معارف عقلی، 1(4)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."Abstracs/Abdor Rauf Afzali". دو فصلنامه معارف عقلی، 1، 4، 1385، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1385) 'Abstracs/Abdor Rauf Afzali'، دو فصلنامه معارف عقلی، 1(4), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). Abstracs/Abdor Rauf Afzali. معارف عقلی، 1, 1385؛ 1(4): -