"Rationality" and "spirituality" as two identifying components of the celestial realm of human existence have seriously occupied the thought of modern man. "Transcendental Wisdom" presents a comprehensive model of rationality and spirituality that is far superior to the modern and postmodern model. Through the preceding essay, which was formed with a descriptive-analytical method and aimed at examining rationality and spirituality in Sadra’s wisdom, it becomes clear that Sadra’s rationality does not accept the components of modern Western rationality such as "the primacy of material needs", "excess in the perceptual abilities of the human mind", "excessive optimism about new knowledge in ensuring human happiness", and "denial of the constructive role of religion in life". Giving primacy to spiritual needs and negating epistemic relativity, transcendental wisdom consequently, emphasizes the perceptual limitations of reason, "revealed rationality" (illumined reason) and "sacred rationality". Also. Sadra's spirituality- unlike modern spiritualities- is a rational-revelationary-spirituality that by rejecting introversion, personalization, and secularization of spirituality, emphasizes a comprehensive rational spirituality.